Login Logistics USA
9350 NW 108th Ave Suite 110 Doors: 19 to 30
Medley – FL 33178 – USA
1-786-336-9920 / 9929

Login locations in other countries

Headquarters in the United States

Login Logistics USA
9350 NW 108th Ave Suite 110
Doors: 19 to 30
Medley – FL 33178 – USA
Phone: 1 786 336-9920 / 9929
Fax: 1 305 715-7055


In addition to our headquarters in the United States, Login Logistics USA, has logistical support points in different American cities.

Brazil – São Paulo – SP / Brazil

Rua Líbero Badaró, 425
24º andar – Centro – CEP: 01009-905
Phone: 5511 3105-7664
Fax: 5511 3105-6556

Brazil – Guarulhos – SP / Brazil

Av. João Jamil Zarif, s/nº
Prédio Teca – Cj. 4.02 – CEP: 07141-900
Aeroporto Internacional Guarulhos
Phone: 5511 2445 5159

Brazil – Santos – SP / Brazil

Rua Riachuelo, 66
Cj. 35 – Centro – CEP: 11010-020
Phone: 5513 3224-7967
Fax: 5513 3224-1723

Brazil – Rio de Janeiro – RJ / Brazil

Rua da Assembleia, 10
Cj. 1316 – Centro – CEP: 20011-901
Phone: 5521 2507-5677
Fax: 5521 2224-7762

Brazil – Campinas – SP / Brazil

Rodovia Santos Dumont, km 66
Cj. 364 Centro Empresarial de Viracopos
Aeroporto Internacional Viracopos
CEP: 13052-901
Phone: 5519 3725-6420 / 6421
Fax: 5519 3725-6422

Alemanha – Hamburgo

Hindenburgstr, 158
22297 – Hamburgo / Deutschland
Phone: +49 40 752 55 89-10
Fax: +49 40 752 55 89-99

Uruguai Login Logística & Aduana S.A.

Plaza Independência 808/401
Montevidéu – Uruguai
Phone: 00598 2903 1194 – 2903 1195

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